Data Grid


The database list of entries is displayed in the GRID. The grid columns correspond to the fields from the entry’s description. You can define which columns to be visible from Options ->  Grid  [double click on the relevant column visibility status to change it]. The column position in the grid could be changed by drag-n-dropping the column name. Right mouse clicking on a column name will resize the column.

The records are arranged in order of their registration in the database. You can define a default field to serve as a sorting filter for the entries in Options -> Default values -> Auto Sort by. Clicking on any column name will arrange the records according to the relevant feature. Clicking the same name once again will invert the arrangement. Thus, if you click on Title, the records will be arranged in alphabetical order; and if you click on it again, they will be rearranged in reverse order.

If you click on a field that contains figures once, the records will be arranged in descending order. If you click on it twice, they will be arranged in ascending order.

A Black bar marks the currently selected entry. Clicking twice over it invokes the entry properties dialog, which is the same as the dialog that appears after pressing the New Record  button.

The database grid supports the following functionalities:

Drag and drop





Right-click menu